A puzzle piece treasure hunt followed the puppets, and the kids got right in to the competition of finding and completing their puzzle first. They searched around the home in teams for all the pieces of 5 different puzzles. When the pieces all fit together, they read a message about God’s love for them. At the end of the hunt the team gathered around the kids and prayed in small groups for every child.

One of the highlights of the day was a celebration outside with balloons of many shapes and sizes: punch balloons, animals & swords. The kids even had balloon hats. Energy was high as they jumped and played together with our team. The staff seemed to be having just as much fun as the kids. The fact is the kids rarely have these kinds of special events, so this was a huge treat for them, and delight was written all over their faces.

The Life Church team took every opportunity to spend time with kids, and with reluctance we all headed back to our place for the night…content after a day of loving the children of lepers.

Check back tomorrow for Tuesday in Chennai!